1. Independent Investment Advice

The only compensation we receive is paid directly by you. As a result, our advice is completely objective and unbiased. We work collaboratively with you to design an investment strategy that is right for you. We want you to understand your overall financial situation, your financial goals, and your attitudes and concerns about investing. We will document our understanding of your goals and our assessment of your capacity and tolerance for risk. We will then outline an investment strategy that is customized to help you achieve financial success.

2. Asset Management

Our assets management services are designed to help you implement your investment strategy and monitor progress toward your financial goals. As a core manager, we seek companies that are improving their corporate performance and whose stocks are trading at attractive valuations. We measure corporate performance through cash flow return on investment (CFROI), and value stocks using discounted cash flow (DCF). A cash flow approach focuses on economic results and is a more thorough method than relying on price-to-earnings (P/E) ratios.

3. Financial Planning Consultations

Our expertise and experience in retirement planning, wealth transfer, executive compensation, insurance and cash flow planning can play a significant role in helping you achieve financial success. Our portfolio managers are uniquely qualified to identify and respond to each client's ongoing financial planning needs. Comprehensive financial planning and specific projects are available for additional fees.   

©2007 Spero-Smith Investment Advisers, Inc. All rights reserved.


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